Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Chassis work begins.....

Completed as much of the body panel replacement as possible to this point, so focus now shifts to getting the chassis started.

First step is getting the front and rear S2000 subframes up on to the chassis table,

and then locating them at the correct factory ride heights, as well as establishing the new wheel base at 84", an increase of close to 4" which we will make up in the front end.

Picked up a set of front S2000 frame rails from a guy that was parting a damaged car. Fired up the plasma cutter and cut out only the relevant sections that will be required. Plan is to only use these factory rails as reference in the creation of a fixture that will be used to locate the upper control arm and strut location points. These points will be transferred to the new tube chassis when we get to that stage.

Once everything is established, measured and cut up some short sections of tubing and used these to tack weld the subframes to the table to ensure we maintain the correct location points during chassis build up.

Dropped the fiberglass nose over the front end to get some idea as to how well it fits....it's not sitting at correct height, but it's almost dead on in regards to width, will only require some minor adjustment on the flares to fit perfect !

WARNING: Extremely graphic photo in next section.

I need to take moment to highlight the importance of always using proper safety gear when working with and around shop equipment. In a momentary lapse of better judgment, I proceeded to use an air powered grinder with a minor small chip in the disc. Needless to say when it caught an uneven point on a piece of steel I was cleaning up, it completely and dramatically exploded ....with extremely painful consequences.  Even though I was wearing heavy gloves, it tore through them like butter....that, and my thumb. Luckily no broken bones, and should heal fine, but likely out of commission on the build for few weeks.

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